The Big question for every product launcher is... 
How to get everyone in your niche buzzing about your product launch and how to create product launch buzz from your would-be customers?

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Let me ask you a question…  How are you doing your product launches right now? (Or if you haven’t yet done one, how do you plan to do it?)

If you’re like most marketers, you probably have a strategy in place that looks something like this:

  • Step 1. Recruit your Joint Venture and affiliate partners to help launch the product..
  • Step 2. Create pre-launch buzz by giving your marketing partners a set of emails, blog posts and social media to send to their lists and other platforms..
  • Step 3. Hold an affiliate contest to get your marketing partners motivated to sell.
  • Step 4. Stir a sense of urgency in customers with launch-week specials, like discounts.

But there’s just one tiny problem with this strategy…

While it seems like everyone is buzzing about the product, a closer look reveals that the only people who are buzzing are the affiliates.

Oh sure, they can make a lot of noise on social media and other places. They can stir up some excitement pre-launch. But your prospects who’ve seen this before a million times are becoming a little immune to this pre-launch noise. Because when you realize that the ONLY people who are buzzing are the marketers in the niche… well, all that buzzing loses some of its ability to get other people excited.

So, you can see what you need to do here…

You need to get your PROSPECTS buzzing about the product too.

Now I’m going to share with you two ways to do that.


Ever notice that there are some people in your niche who tend to talk about products and services, even though they have no monetary connection to them? And often times, these people tend to have a LOT of influence in niche communities, such as Facebook groups.

Yeah, you know who I’m talking about. And you know what? You need to get them talking about YOUR product during the pre-launch phase. 

Here’s how you do that: ask the influencer to become a beta tester/reader/user.

But heads up…

Don’t just ask the person to do this for you, cross your fingers that they buzz about your product, and then not follow up with them.

Instead, you need to really want to know their opinion. They’re going to give you feedback, and if it’s good, you better plan on incorporating their ideas into your final product.

Because when you do that, two things happen:

If it’s good feedback, you just improved your product. And that’s always a good thing.

The beta user feels respected. And when they feel valued and respected, they are more likely to talk about your product.   So, recruit these users. Ask them for feedback. Incorporate the feedback. Give them the final copy of your product. And then encourage them to tell their friends about it.

Chances are, these folks will be happy to do it. A lot of them pride themselves on being the first in a niche to use a product. So, if you give them free access before the launch, they’ll hardly be able to stop themselves from humble bragging about this to their friends. And if you have several of these influencers doing this where a lot of prospects will see it, then you got yourself some free word of mouth traffic!

Pretty snazzy, right?

Of course it does take some time. You need to find these influencers, build relationships with them, recruit them, incorporate feedback, etc. It’s a process.

Would you like something that works even better, and is a whole lot easier?

Then check out this next idea…

The Best Time to Start Getting {Benefit} is Now!

This is your main product purchase section on the page. Here is where you add your strongest call to action. Remind your reader of the main benefit that your produt will bring to their lives and tell them in no uncertain terms to click that button and get started.

5 Simple Steps to...

Boost Your Website's Conversion Rate

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam placerat euismod ligula. Etiam viverra convallis. Aliquam porta eleifend mauris, quis volutpat massa tincidunt quis. Nam euismod augue vel lacus imperdiet, ac laoreet urna imperdiet. Integer porttitor vulputate quam, sed accumsan ut lectus luctus auctor. (Donec in urna nec nibh pellentesque ullamcorper eu non dolor ipsum nunc auctor.)

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam placerat euismod ligula. Etiam viverra convallis. Aliquam porta eleifend mauris, quis volutpat massa tincidunt quis. Nam euismod augue vel lacus imperdiet, ac laoreet urna imperdiet. Integer porttitor vulputate quam, sed accumsan ut lectus luctus auctor.

Donec in urna nec nibh pellentesque ullamcorper eu non dolor ipsum nunc auctor.

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