Below you will find the biographies of our founders and the Promote Labs international professionals that are ready and willing to serve you by answering your questions and helping you (our customer happiness team) plus the multitude of pros that are the most accomplished professionals in Webmastering, Graphic Design, Marketing, Copywriting, and Tech/Developers - that keep our websites and apps running so you can be assured of the best products and services that we can offer!
About The Promote Labs, Inc Founders:
Jeremy Gislason and Simon Hodgkinson

Simon Hodgkinson
Owner of Hodgkinson Publishing and Founding Partner & Director of Power House Technology, LLC and Promote Labs, Inc.

Jeremy Gislason
President of SureFireWealth, Inc., Founding Partner & Director of Power House Technology, LLC and Promote Labs, Inc.
Often referred to as the 'Dynamic Duo' of online digital marketing, Simon and Jeremy have worked together for over 20 years and whilst in addition to running their own successful businesses (Simon in the UK and Jeremy in the USA) they have generated millions of dollars in sales of digital courses, software and membership subscriptions.
Simon has written and published multiple innovative and leading edge marketing titles that have gone on to become international best sellers - Most recently his 'Earn More, Work Less, Get Famous' book hit #1 in the business and marketing categories on both Amazon US and UK
Simon is also a sought after copywriter and business strategy consultant - his sales letters bringing in a dizzying 8 figures in recent years and his $5,000 monthly consulting and coaching program is usually booked solid for up to 12 months in advance.
Jeremy launched his flagship site SureFireWealth in Jan. 2005. He then incorporated SureFireWealth Inc and has been expanding rapidly ever since. His network of membership sites are now home to hundreds of thousands of members and students -Jeremy's upbringing in an entrepreneurial family, his experience in creating wealth for others – (from the earliest days of the Internet), combined with over 17 years spent abroad in Japan and elsewhere, have given this Midwestern, All-American boy, a global, and unique award winning perspective.
It is -"Okyakusama wa kami sama desu“, and literally means, “Customers are gods" in Japanese. This mantra for ethical business, focusing on total customer satisfaction is what Jeremy subscribes to and above all, he insures that this is the driving force, behind every product and service that PromoteLabs Inc. puts their name on.
As an aside, in 1998, Jeremy had the rare honor of carrying the Olympic Torch through the streets of Nagano Japan, for the Winter Olympic Games, symbolizing the “taking of fire" from the gods, for the benefit of all humanity.

"Simon & Jeremy are two of the sharpest minds in Internet Marketing, they get better conversion rates and earn more money per click (and per customer) than anyone else!"
- Soren Jordansen -
The PromoteLabs' Customer Happiness Team

Known to us as "The Queen" Jennifer is a no nonsense lady that gets things done. Her ability to get our customers' issues resolved is amazing and she earns her title.

Always here with a smile, Annie is deceptively sweet until you give her a problem to solve and then will doggedly get down to business and get things done.
PromoteLabs Management Team

Nam Tran
This lady is professional through and through, she handles the daily management of projects, operations, funnels, and metrics - helping the company as a whole operate more efficiently.

Kunal Bedi
Handling project management AND server administration is not easy but Kunal and SK Technologies make it look easy. He and his team are always able to answer the challenge!

Corena Golliver
Corena is the content manager here at PromoteLabs. She handles the content that goes on the blogs and up on social media plus a few other odds and ends, when asked... always happy to jump in and help!

Sara Hadro
Sara is an essential part of PromoteLabs, she helps us grow our business in a way that can be measured and predicted. She keeps track of records and handles accounts and transactions.
The Team Developers and Partners

Fraz Ahmed
The brilliant Web Developer / PHP Programmer that brings you ProductDyno - this remarkable program runs on rails because of this guy's insight!

Imran Siddiq
Imran is the awesome Web Developer / PHP Programmer that is an essential part of keeping ProductDyno working at it's best!

Simon Phillips
Simon is an incredible Programmer, (he started programing games professionally when he was only 14) and our web apps at PromoteLabs wouldn't be the same without him!

John Merrick
Experienced SaaS & WordPress product developer. His specialty is creating automation platforms & solving industry problems. John's the driving force behind PostGopher!
Who Are Simon and Jeremy? We'll Let These Top Marketers And Industry Experts Tell You What They Think...
"Always Ahead Of The Curve"
What Simon and Jeremy don’t know about marketing online you don’t need to know, they’ve probably forgotten more than I actually know! They were the first people I saw building funnels for launches and are always ahead of the curve with what’s working and what’s coming next.
© PromoteLabs.com a Promote Labs Inc. Website
All Rights Reserved - All trademarks & logos are the property of their respective owners. This site and the products/services offered are not associated, affiliated nor endorsed by any business listed on this site nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by any other company
PromoteLabs Inc. 2248 Meridian Boulevard Suite H. Minden, NV 89423