This article is focused on digital product creation best practices so that you’re ready to hit the ground running.
We are going to highlight how creating digital products in strong, evergreen markets should always be your main focus when deciding what types of products to create or the topics you cover.
Evergreen means that your market will continue to be in demand for years to come.
This would include topics like weight loss, relationship, and self-help, breaking free from habits like over-eating and smoking, credit repair, building a business, and so much more.

Evergreen + Problem Solving
This is so important because by focusing your attention on creating only evergreen digital products, you never have to worry that your content will become outdated or ineffective.
Because while some of the tools and resources featured in your content may need to be updated as new ones become available, the heart of your content will never go out of style, or out of date.
In addition, you should always focus each digital product on problem-solving.
Problem-solving products are not only far easier to sell, but they serve a clear purpose. This makes it easy to identify and connect with your audience and to create highly-targeted marketing campaigns.
Problem-solving digital products often follow a similar format. This “paint-by-number” approach makes it fast and easy to create winning products without creating an entire outline yourself.
For example, with a digital product geared towards solving one specific problem, you would likely begin by creating content in a “how-to” guide format that takes a systematic, step-by-step approach.
These products are fast and easy to create because your main job is to simply break down the information/steps and organize them so that your readers or students can follow along.
If you are interested in learning more about fast and easy digital product creation...
Check out this post
And now let's talk about how you can create an unlimited number of evergreen, how-to-style products in a matter of minutes—without having to create them yourself!

The Ultimate Product Creation Shortcut
Would it surprise you to discover that many of the top digital product marketers didn’t actually create the content that makes them the most money?
It’s true; many of the digital products you love weren’t created by the brands that sell and promote them.
They were created by other people—freelance writers, developers, designers, etc.
Does this make those brands imposters? Frauds?
Not at all!
Even the most seasoned author may occasionally hire a ghostwriter to complete a story or a project.
In fact, countless celebrities have turned to seasoned ghostwriters to write their autobiographies and memoirs—many of whom were able to land themselves on the New York Times Bestselling lists.
Sure, the story was theirs—as well as the ideas, perhaps even the outline, but the work itself was brought to life by someone else.
And Hollywood icons aren’t the only ones raking it in with ghostwriters.
Tom Clancy, James Patterson, Liam Fleming, and Michael Crichton are just a few bestselling authors in million-dollar genres who have used ghostwriters.
Did you know Tom Clancy, James Patterson, Liam Fleming, and Michael Crichton are just a few bestselling authors in million-dollar genres who have used ghostwriters? Learn more
After all, there are only so many hours in the day (and a never-ending to-do list ahead of us), and let’s face it—sometimes our creative well runs dry, or we lack the skills needed.
Just know that there’s nothing wrong with seeking help from someone with a fresh perspective or a bounty of creative goodness that they’re willing to share.
Of course, you can approach outsourcing as an “all in” or “partial” type of thing; it’s entirely up to you and what you’re comfortable with.
For example, perhaps you know your strength is in creating the outline for your digital products, but you feel you lack the skill to bring those ideas to life. Perhaps you aren’t a wordsmith, but you want your digital products to shine.
To accomplish this, you could create a solid, detailed outline and then hire a highly-skilled freelance writer to take that “blueprint” and transform it into a high-quality digital product.
That way, you still had a hand in its creation, and played an integral part in the process.
Or, perhaps you want to work on a few modules of a course, but you want to bring in an expert to cover more ground and help you free up your time. The point is that you can utilize a freelancer's skills in any way you wish and as much or as little as you need.

Best Practices For Outsourcing Digital Product Creation
Here are a couple of guidelines when outsourcing your digital products:
Create an outline or, at the very least, a summary.
You’ll want to be clear with your expectations and make it easy for your freelancer to bring your ideas to life.
One of the easiest ways to do that is by creating an outline that details your project, as well as the intended audience, preferred writing style, and the overall tone.
The more detailed you are, the easier it will be for your freelance to understand what you’re looking for and deliver the highest-quality product possible.
Interview Several, Hire One
When you’re new to outsourcing, the best approach is to keep it simple.
Interview a handful of freelancers so you get a clear idea as to the available talent and can browse through an array of portfolios and work history to find the perfect match. Then, hire just one.
You can hire additional freelancers later, but limiting yourself to working with just one when you’re starting out will ensure you don’t bite off more than you can chew.
You'll be able to manage the project, be readily available easily should your freelancer need you, and see one complete project through before starting the next.
Protect Your Brand
You'll want to consider having both an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) and a Ghostwriter-For-Hire agreement created that your freelancer can digitally sign using a service like: or
These important documents will help protect your brand and your projects, ensuring your freelancers never share pertinent information with future clients or use your work in their public portfolios.
If you want to learn more about brand building we have a great book available here>>
Next up... Digital product creation can be more than just making an outline and going from there. It can be something you create from a podcast or an interview!

Turning Conversations into Cash
Now we’re going to take a close look at one of the fastest and easiest ways you can create bestselling digital products just by having conversations with thought-leaders and influencers in your market.
You see, people will always tune in to hear from experts. They trust their guidance and knowledge and understand the value of their wisdom and experience.
So, consider how much attention you’d get if you were to create a digital product that’s based on an in-depth conversation with an expert in your niche!
And don’t worry, you don't have to be an authority in your niche to successfully interview someone who is.
In fact, that's the entire point of contacting experts in your niche and asking for them to share 20-30 minutes of their time. Of course, you’ll want to offer them a reason for giving you their time—after all, their time truly is money.
And remember, compensation can come in many forms, so even if you’re just starting out in building your audience and you don’t have a lot of traffic or exposure to offer, you can still find something of value to offer.
And keep this in mind:
Just because they are experts on the subject matter doesn't mean they are widely known experts.
Many people have extensive insight on a topic but don’t own a website, a product of their own, or even know how to begin marketing their knowledge to the world.
This is where you could bridge that gap between your growing customer base and the expert. It would be a win-win for everyone involved.
So again, you don’t have to target the top influencers in your niche trying to land an interview—in fact, that’s probably more struggle than it’s worth.
Instead, look for people with experience and knowledge, or perhaps they simply have a different perspective to share but who aren’t prominently positioned in your market and ask to pick their brain.
You might be surprised just how easy it is to connect with people who have a lot of knowledge to share!
But before you set out to interview an expert in your market, you’ll want to have a plan in place. This includes choosing one specific topic.
That way, you can come up with interesting interview questions that you know your audience is desperate to hear without losing focus.
It also makes the entire interview process more manageable when you ask a handful of direct, themed questions, all geared towards solving one specific problem or addressing one central area.
This is when market research becomes so important. You’ll want to spend time analyzing your market, studying trends in commonly asked questions, and identifying problems in your niche.
All this valuable data will help you form the questions and entire structure of your conversation and interview with your experts—and you’ll be sure to hit a home run with your audience because you’ll know, with certainty, what their top questions are.

Product Creation Can Build Your Brand!
Partnering with experts allows you to “borrow” creditability.
Just by networking with someone that your audience may already know and trust will help you solidify your brand and position yourself so that you too are soon recognized an authority in your market.
Did you know that partnering with experts allows you to “borrow” creditability. Learn More in this article...
Interviewing Tip:
Write down your questions and read them aloud before the interview.
Make sure your questions sound natural and are worded so that there's little chance for your expert to be confused by the question or to go off track.
And here’s another tip:
You always want your questions to be open-ended so that your expert can elaborate on their answer.
Avoid questions that require a simple "yes" or "no” so you can keep the conversation flowing.
Even if your interview is taking place through email, you want to give them clear direction with the questions you ask, ensuring that they fully understand your question. This will prevent miscommunication or the need for further clarification.
At the same time, you should get comfortable asking your expert to clarify points, if necessary, or to expand on topics in the event you are concerned that your readers might require additional information.
If you love the information in this article then you should check out The Rapid Digital Products course, available at, it reveals a foolproof system to getting established experts in any niche to create products for you—without ever having to pay them!
This course also reveals the exact strategies used by top creators to create bestselling digital products—and all without having to invest a lot of time or money.
Thanks for reading!