Easy Marketing Research Anyone Can Do

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The Surprisingly Easy Way To Do Marketing Research

It’s no secret that no matter what niche you’re in or what you’re selling, you need to do some marketing research. That’s because it’s the only way to truly understand what your market wants and needs. And easy marketing research if you can get it.

Marketing research is the only way to get a sneak peek inside your prospects’ heads, which lets you create content that connects with them, and offer products they really want.

One way to do this market research is to seek out other peoples’ research for your niche. You find out what’s selling well in your niche, what sort of demographics others have collected about your market, etc.  And while that may give you an idea of what your niche wants in general, it doesn’t necessarily tell you what your specific website visitors want and need.

This is why so many marketers use surveys to collect information on their market. This gets at the heart of what your exact visitors want and need. It gives you a direct sneak peek right into your prospects’ minds.

But of course surveys come with limitations too. They’re static, rather than interactive. So your prospects answer a few survey questions and then proceed on their merry way.

So let me introduce to you a whole new way of surveying your audience…

Easy Marketing Research BotUse a bot to collect data on your market.

Sounds intriguing, right?  It is – and it comes with some perks and benefits you’ve probably never thought about before.

Let me explain how it works and why it’s better than any market research you’ve ever done before…

First off, what you need to do is train and then install a bot like Chit Chat Chimp on your website. Now when visitors land on your website, your bot will pop up and ask them a question.

For example:[su_list icon=”icon: comments-o” icon_color=”#2ca749″]

  • Looks like you’re enjoying these blog articles. What other types of articles would you like to see on this blog?
  • Thank you for your interest in our apps. What features are you looking for in exercise and fitness apps?
  • I have a quick question for you that could really help me out. What is your biggest problem when it comes to getting traffic to your website?
  • What types of traffic-generation topics are you most interested in?
  • What types of garden pests do you struggle with in your own garden?
  • What kind of dog do you have?
  • What is your favorite type of vacation?
  • What sort of recipes would you like to see on this site?[/su_list]

That’s pretty clever, right? Your bot answers the questions, collects the answers, and you get a better understanding of what your market wants. But it gets better…

Instead of merely collecting data, your bot can interact with your visitors and point them to resources that interest them.

For example, let’s suppose a visitor just told your bot that he’s interested in blog articles about refinishing kitchen cabinets. Your bot has stored away this valuable information for you so that you know what your visitors want. But here’s the thing that’s going to make dollar signs light up your yes…

Your bot can make specific suggestions to this visitor to help you grow your list, keep the visitor on your site longer, get the visitor to make a purchase, or some other valuable activity.

Let me give you some examples of how your bot could reply:[su_list icon=”icon: comments-o” icon_color=”#2ca749″]

  • I think you’d really like our free report, “The Five Secrets For Quick and Easy Cabinet Refinishing.” You pick it up here: [link]
  • We have a great video course that shows you how to beautifully refinish your kitchen cabinets. No one will know that you didn’t spend thousands of dollars hiring a pro! Learn more at [link].
  • That’s a great topic! We have some related conversations going on right now in our Facebook group. You can join now for free at [link to related Facebook group].
  • There are some pitfalls you need to avoid when you’re refinishing your kitchen cabinets. You can save time and money by reading this article: [link to related article].
  • Do you need a little extra help? Check out our cabinet refinisher directory to find a licensed and bonded contractor in your area who specializes in this type of work. Check it out here [link to a directory].[/su_list]

At this point, you should be starting to think about how much more beneficial it is to have a dynamic bot collect market research as opposed to a static, boring survey. Only a bot can interact with your visitors and point them towards your products, services and lead magnets.

And here’s the other big benefit…

Easy Market Research Bot
a bot adds a personal touch to your website.

And that makes the prospect feel better about his overall visit, which in turn builds trust and boosts sales.

It doesn’t matter that the visitor knows he’s interacting with a bot. For proof of this, just check the way people interact with other chat bots on a daily basis, such as Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa. People know it’s a bot, and yet they feel “bonded” to the bot, and even to some degree treat the bot as a human. Maybe that’s just an influence from sci-fi movies or even the old cartoon The Jetsons, where Rosie the robot acted like a human and was treated like one. J

Point is, putting a bot on your site is the next best thing to having real humans sitting on your site 24/7, 365 days a year collecting data and pointing visitors towards related resources. And best of all, it’s a WHOLE lot cheaper and easier to install a bot.

Intrigued? If you’ve been paying attention, you should be very intrigued by the idea of installing a chat bot on your site.

[su_note note_color=”#169016″ text_color=”#feffff”]Sound almost too good to be true? A super easy marketing solution… It’s not.

Learn more about what all a chat bot can do for you at our post “Is The Chatter Bot Leveling The Playing Field?”And do it now, because this is one area where you don’t want to procrastinate!

[su_button url=”https://promotelabs.com/blog/chatter-bot/” style=”flat” background=”#ffffff” color=”#14750f” size=”7″ center=”yes”]Click To Read [/su_button][/su_note]

So check it out now, because bots can do everything from collect market research to generate new sales for you. Find out how at the link above!


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