The reality is; there is no better way to maximize your income than with digital products. Plus, digital products are in demand in virtually every market and making income with online digital products is simpler than you may think!
Not only is there no overhead or hefty start-up costs, but creating stand-out information products is easier than you may think.
Whether you are catering to business, self-help and improvement, or hobby niches, there is an ever-growing demand for fresh information in your niche, as well as tips and strategies that help your customer throughout their journey.
There is, however, one downside when it comes to creating digital products.

You need to find a way to stand out.
As more people realize the incredible potential to generate a full-time income on less than part-time hours with digital products, the markets become crowded with creators who want a piece of the ever-growing pie.
This means that you need to find a different way to present your information to the same audience.
In addition, you also want your content to go the distance for you in helping you grow a following, generate fresh leads every day, and solidify your place in your market.
In other words, you need to be able to repurpose your digital products so that they are used in many ways—all of which are geared towards quickly leveling up your business, so you can make more money with less work (and in less time).
Work smarter, not harder is the name of the game.
In this special report, we’ll take a deep-dive into a few different ways you can present, distribute and successfully leverage your digital products in such a way that they work overtime in helping to grow your business.

The Importance of Improving Your Readers Experience
One of the most often overlooked aspects of delivering content to readers is ensuring you provide the best user experience possible.
Many content creators focus so much on the product itself that they fail to consider how the content is actually delivered, viewed, or even what options are given to the reader.
People prefer to learn and consume information in different ways, so there isn’t a one-size-fits-all, and so your approach to delivering content should never be based on just one method or format.
Instead, consider things from your readers’ perspective.
Perhaps they prefer to read content online, or maybe they want to download a copy to read at a later time.
You should also consider the devices people may use to read your content, since not everyone will be on a laptop or desktop computer.
Today, it has never been more important to ensure your content delivery system is mobile-friendly; responsive, so that it looks just as good on a smart phone as it does on a full-size screen.
People are on the go, taking content with them and consuming it outside of the office, so you’ll want to make sure that your digital products are accessible from anywhere, and viewable on any device they may use.
The more attention you give to improving your readers overall experience, the easier it will be to turn them into a lifelong, loyal customer or subscriber It will help you stand out in your market, and you make income with online digital products.
This also goes beyond just ensuring your content looks great on mobile devices. You should also think about offering different formats for at least some of your content pieces.
Whether that means offering video-based versions of information products, or audio versions for those who prefer listening to books rather than reading them, the choice is yours.
People are busy, and not everyone can find the time to sit down and consume content the way we used to. So, catering to busy lifestyles by providing different options and offering flexibility that other creators may not, you’ll keep people coming back again and again.

Maximize Conversion with Multiple Points of Entry
If you’re looking to grow your mailing list, while ensuring it’s full of red-hot leads and not just drive-by freebie seekers (who forget all about you days later), you’ll want to focus on building a system that allows you to capture leads at any point in the process.
So for example, instead of having just one shot to convert a reader into a subscriber, such as on the landing page, you can capture names and email addresses from any page point your readers’ timeline.
Working with a system like this instantly maximizes your chances at building laser-targeted, active lists of subscribers and buyers because you are able to connect with your audience from multiple points of entry, rather than just one, as with traditional lead pages.
The more chances you give yourself to convert a reader into a subscriber or customer, the faster you’ll grow your business, take things to the next level and you make more income with online digital products.
Traditionally, you’d be given that one chance to transform a visitor into a reader or customer—your squeeze page, sales page or landing page.
But today, using tools like FlipGuardian, you can automatically connect with readers from any point in the process.
You can even send them directly to your CRM, or integrate with your chosen autoresponder to initiate the introduction process and begin nurturing a relationship with every subscriber.
Regardless of what solution you choose, keep in mind that the more streamlined the process is, the better.
You never want to complicate your system or force readers’ through several steps before they are given the opportunity to purchase or subscribe.
Keep things simple, but always be on the lookout for ways to further target and connect with readers’ from beyond a landing page or sales page.
Go deeper than that. Give yourself more opportunities to convert a reader into a buyer.

Protecting Your Content Is Important
If you’ve ever released a digital product before, you know how important it is to ensure your content is always secure.
If you don’t, chances are your content will be shared with others and distributed all over the Internet in a matter of days.
Talk about a campaign killer.
But it comes as no surprise that so many creators aren’t protecting their content. After all, it isn’t always the easiest thing to do.
In fact, unless you’re using a platform like that simplifies the process and does the heavy-lifting for you, protecting your content while also making it easy for customers to access often comes with a steep learning curve, especially if you aren’t familiar with how to install and configure software.
Yet it isn’t something you should overlook. In fact, safeguarding your content is one of the most important things you can do because not only are you protecting your hard work, but you’re protecting your profits.
Makes sense, right?
If someone distributes your content throughout online networks, communities, or even just amongst their own groups, they are harming your business. You’ll lose money, or if you’re giving away your content in exchange for an email address, you’re losing valuable leads.
Thankfully, protecting your digital products doesn’t have to be a difficult or time-consuming venture. And it also doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg.
And better yet, you don’t have to be a coding expert or even download a piece of software.
For example, FlipGuardian, available at is an all-in-one solution for not only protecting your content, but it completely transforms the way you deliver content.
It’s like content delivery on steroids. It will make your products stand out but just as important, it eliminates the learning curve and simplifies the entire process.
Not only can you quickly set up campaigns that allow you to choose your overall purpose, such as whether you plan to offer content free or behind a paywall, but you can also customize the landing page so that it perfectly matches your brand.
The possibilities are endless when it comes to the flexibility of FlipGuardian, but the most important feature of all is just how easy it is to set up pages designed to protect your content so that only those who either subscribe, or pay, are able to access it.
FlipGuardian also doesn’t require you to download and install anything yourself. You can simply create your account and gain instant access to its many features—all in one centralized location.
From that point on, it takes only minutes to set up your entire campaign so that you can begin collecting leads, or generating sales if you are charging for access to your digital product.
Go ahead and check it out here:
Five Secret Keys to Creating Info-Products That Sell Demo
In this demo guide, you will discover 5 fast and easy to apply profit boosting strategies that get results...its a no-fluff, quick-read guide that walks you through 5 secret keys to create awesome digital products faster and easier than you ever thought possible.
It will save you a lot of time and money while eliminating the workload, and best of all, your content will be instantly secure. Check out the demo above and see how it works for yourself!
Savvy content creators know that the easiest way to boost conversion rates and maximize sales is to give potential customers a “taste test” of what they have to offer.
Providing users with the ability to preview content removes the barrier of entry and makes it easier for you to convert them into a customer.
With so many poor quality digital products hitting the market every day, there is no better way to persuade a visitor into becoming a subscriber or customer than by demonstrating exactly why they should take a chance on you.
There are, however, a few things to keep in mind:
Just a glance
When it comes to giving readers the opportunity to preview paid content, you want to strike a good balance between offering just enough and not too much.
The goal is to convert that reader into a subscriber or buyer, so it’s important that you don’t provide access to so much information that you’ve solved their problem, or addressed their question in the preview, rather than in the remainder of your product.
Automatic Transitions
Another important thing to keep in mind is that you need to streamline the process, so that readers who preview your content are automatically transitioned into buyers.
You can do this by setting up a built-in pay gate so that after someone previews your content they can immediately purchase full access, or you can require they subscribe to your mailing list prior to receiving access to the preview—whatever works best for your overall goals.
But what you don’t want to do is delay the transition.
It’s imperative that you either move a reader to the next natural step; whether that’s becoming a subscriber or customer is up to you, but they need to be automatically guided to the next course of action.
Again, no delays; no multiple choices or options that will confuse them—just a direct move from point A to B.
You also want to set up your funnel so that once they’ve transitioned they instantly receive a thank you email that confirms the action and welcomes them into your inner circle.
This is an obvious part of relationship building where you instantly go to work developing and nurturing a connection with your new subscriber or buyer, but it also serves a simple purpose: it signifies that they’ve completed a step and that they can now gain access to the complete product.
FlipGuardian does all of this for you, so if you want to set up a powerful, fully integrated system, this is the easiest way to do that.
Regardless how you set it up, just remember to provide enough content to capture attention and motivate prospects to take the next step without giving too away should always be your main goal.
And then, automatically transition them so you can convert that reader into a subscriber or buyer instantly.

Think Outside the Sale
Most of us make the mistake of just going directly for the sale. We take our shot, hoping our sales page is convincing enough to turn a visitor into a customer.
If that sales page message fails, we have no safety net; no way to save the sale, much less get another chance to persuade a prospect to take a chance on us.
It’s an all or nothing approach—putting all our eggs into one sales copy basket.
I don’t know about you, but I want to give myself as many chances as possible to seal the deal, and turn a visitor into a subscriber or customer.
Because no matter how great your sales copy may be, it should never be the only thing doing the heavy-lifting in your sales funnel.
If it currently is, it’s time to fix it.
You see, the more entry points you create, the better your chances at turning them into a customer or subscriber. Basically, the more ground you’ll cover.
Many people focus so much on the front-end, (collecting leads), that they fail to work at the one thing that makes this all worth while... find out what in this post!
So, rather than focus just on a sales page that forces visitors to make an immediate decision whether to purchase from you or not, you warm them up in different ways—giving them more control, which in turn, will motivate them to move forward.
You can do this several ways, but ultimately it usually involves a 3-part system.
1. Free Preview
2. Free Content
3. Sales Page (or sales sequence through an autoresponder)
We’ve already discussed the incredible power of offering leads a sneak-peek at your content above. Doing this minimizes concerns, demonstrates clear value, and allows them to judge the quality for themselves before they ever make a commitment to purchase anything from you.
Regarding free content however, you offer this in exchange for a name and email address—likely in the same way you’ve always built your lists.
Normally, it looks something like this:
But, what next?

Many people focus so much on the front-end, (collecting leads), that they fail to work at the one thing that makes this all worthwhile: following up!
Sure, they may send out an introduction or welcome email, but then the only other time they email their subscribers is when they have something to sell.
These broadcasts can be profitable for sure, but if you really want to cultivate a loyal customer base and maximize open rates so that people are anxious to get the next mailing, you need to go the distance.
In other words, you need to give them a reason to stay on your list!
So, rather than just trading free content for their information one time, you provide a full sequence of free tips and strategies.
They consume this information, you build rapport and trust, and through this free content you guide them towards paid products—solutions to their problems.
It’s a win-win. Your list stays red-hot, you are able to build relationships with your subscribers, and you are balancing helping people with free information while consistently working towards maximizing your income.
The key to successfully turning free content into paid customers is to make sure that your information aligns with their main problem or question. To do this you’ll want to create a free product that’s geared towards addressing one main concern in your niche. check out the demo below... It will not only highlight how you can build relationships with your subscribers but also give you some awesome email copy secrets to help you keep your list red-hot!
Email Copy Secrets Demo
In this demo guide, you will discover the most effective principles of email copywriting and gain a solid grasp on how to write outstanding emails that actually get results.

You can use a product like FlipGuardian to deliver access to free information, while automatically encouraging readers to join your mailing list. (see demo above)
Once they’ve subscribed, you can continue to send them new information, either freely available (called ungated access), password protected, or pay gated, where you can charge for access.
By offering different points of entry, you’re able to capture sales and subscribers that you otherwise would not if you only provide one way to gain access to your material: through a direct purchase.
Plus, creating various content for different segments of your market, you’re also able to meet a potential customer at the place they are at in their journey.
Not everyone is ready to commit to purchasing a product; they need more time, they aren’t entirely sure of what they need help with, or perhaps they have too many pre-sale questions that need to be addressed before they are comfortable making a decision.
Through free content as well as preview content, you’ll be able to meet them where they are, which will make the job of converting them into a customer much easier.
And finally, don’t overlook the value of placing free content behind a protective wall. People place a higher value on content that’s protected, rather than available through a public download link.
So, even if your content is free you should consider securing your content with integrated password protection.
You can also provide access to protected content as a reward for subscribing to your list, or to members or even social media followers. The possibilities are endless.
Private, high-quality content builds value, which in turn, builds a community. Give it a try!