The “f word” changed my life. No, not that one. Not THAT “f word.” Not the one that’s frowned upon in certain social circles. What I’m talking about is this f-word: freedom. And in particular, we’re talking about freedom as it relates to how you make money, how much money you make, and what you do with your free time.

What I’ve discovered is that most people are only under the illusion that they’re free. But they’re not free, not really.
They’ve got shackles on, even if they can’t see them. And even when it seems like they have options and choices, none of those options are all that desirable. Does that sound like freedom to you?
Let me give you an example…
Those who work day jobs may feel free, because they chose the job. And yet for eight hours per day, these employees are stuffed into cubicles, told what to do, and monitored to make sure their lunch break isn’t five minutes too long.
Now if that sounds like hell, the option is that one can quit the job and find another one.
But there are a few problems with this plan:
See what I mean about freedom being an illusion? When the options all kind of stink, you’re not really free.
The reason I’m telling you all of this is because there is one option that will deliver the true freedom you’ve been seeking. And it starts by you choosing to run your own business, instead of being force to make money for someone else.
In particular, I’m thinking of running an info-publishing business, which is one of the best and most profitable businesses you can choose.
Let me share with you how the “f word” really means something when you’re running this type of business.

Freedom to Get Started Now
What separates an info-publishing business from other businesses is that you’re free to start right away – as in right now.
That’s because an info-publishing business is free from many of the entries to barrier that prohibit you from starting other types of businesses.
Let’s take the example of a franchise. Many people who want to be self-employed gravitate towards franchises. That’s because the financial barriers are relatively low and you get to start with a proven business model.
However, a “relatively low” financial barrier is not the same as a “low” barrier. You may need to cough up a franchise fee of $20,000, $50,000 or even more just to get the franchise license. And that doesn’t even count all your other expenses.
Do you have an extra $50k laying around? No? Then I think we can agree the franchise fee is going to be a big barrier to entry for you… as well as the vast majority of aspiring entrepreneurs.
Of course other businesses have similar barriers, including online businesses.
For example, if you’re looking to build the next Facebook, then you’re going to need about mid six-figures just to get everything programmed.
We could go through a million other examples of businesses with big barriers to entry. But let’s skip all that and talk about the one that doesn’t have that sort of barrier: info-publishing.
You don’t need a lot of money to get started, you don’t need a physical space for a store or office, and you don’t need to have any specific background or experience to make good make, right away.
It’s open to everyone who desires their freedom and is willing to put in the work.
Let’s talk about the next type of freedom…

Freedom to Set Your Own Schedule
When you work for an employer, they basically own you for eight hours per day. They set your schedule. They tell you when you need to come in and when you can leave. They tell you how long your breaks can be. And if you need time off, you can’t just take it – you need to negotiate with your boss about when you can leave and for how long.
That’s no one way live. You’re not really free if someone dictates your every move for at least one-third of every day.
When you run an info-publishing business, all that changes... You only answer to yourself, which means you’re solely in charge of your own schedule.
You can work as little or as much as you want. So, you can make money as little or as much as you want... If you want to work at midnight, you can (meaning you can make money at midnight!).
If you want to take every other day off, that’s up to you. If you want to work long hours, that’s your prerogative (but it’s not necessary and not recommended). If you want to work as little as possible so that you can spend more time doing the things you really enjoy in life, go for it.
Your time belongs to you 100% – so you get to set your own schedule as you see fit.

Freedom to Work Where You Want
There are a lot of people who are shackled to a particular location because that’s where their job is...
Perhaps they’re sitting a plane ride away from their dearest family and friends.
Maybe they’re in a cold climate, when their heart is at the beach. Or maybe they’re okay with where they live, but they hate where they work – a long commute, a stuffy office, a noisy place.
Let me clue you in: if you hate it, then you’re not free… otherwise you’d be somewhere else.
When you start up your info-publishing business, you get the freedom to work where you want.
You can work from home – at your kitchen table, in your home office, on your couch, or even on your patio.
Or you can work from anywhere else in the world – including the beach or the top of a mountain.
You can work from an RV, from a hotel room, from a tent in the woods. As long as you can get an internet signal, you’re golden.
Go ahead, imagine the possibilities. When you start up a profitable info-publishing business, you have the freedom and the finances to go anywhere in the world that your heart leads you.
Which brings us to the next point…

Freedom From Financial Worries
There are some jobs out in the world that pay pretty well… but even the most well-paying job is all about trading time for dollars.
And the worst part is that you could be just one layoff away from losing that job.
The company may downsize, a recession could create layoffs, a merger could result in cuts, or you might just have a boss who doesn’t like you. Whatever the reason, your job could be gone in a snap.
If that sort of thing doesn’t have you up at night worrying, then you probably just haven’t really thought about how precariously close you might be to financial ruin. Scary stuff, right?
If you’d like to be free from these sorts of financial worries, then you need to start your own business.
You’re the boss, so you can’t be fired.
Your income isn’t tied to the number of hours you work. And once you’ve got a good system in place, then you don’t have to lay awake at nights, worrying about how you’ll pay the bills.
Indeed, a solid info-publishing business will make all those worries just disappear. There are people all over the world making six figures, seven figures or even eight figures annually by selling information – and you could join their ranks. The luxurious lifestyle you’ve been dreaming about? Yeah, it could be yours – if you’re wiling to reach out and grab it.
Which brings us to the final point…

The Unmotivated Need Not Apply
If you’ve read this far, then you’ve already done more than 90% of what others are willing to do. Most people want to just wish their dream life into existence, but of course you know it doesn’t work that way.
It’s gonna require you to roll up your sleeves, create a plan, and then go all-in to achieve your dreams.
However, let me be clear here: you don’t need to do any of this alone. In fact, we don’t recommend you do it alone. Trial and error is a hell of an expensive and time-consuming way to try to blaze your path to success.
Here’s what we suggest you do instead: let us (Simon Hodgkinson and Jeremy Gislason) help you.
See, right now we’re doing exactly what you want to be doing, and we’re making the money you’ve been dreaming about. We didn’t get here alone, and we don’t think you should either.
That’s why for a limited time we’re giving you the opportunity to take part in the Info Publishing Challenge.
A big part of the challenge is that we’ll provide you with the exact tools and strategies we use to run our successful info-publishing business.
The second part is that we’ll give you a chance to joint venture with us. That’s right, if we like your offer, then we’ll promote it to our gigantic list.
Heads up: we can’t joint venture with everyone, as there are only so many emails we can send out in a year. That’s why the JV offer may disappear at any time.
As I write this, the JV offer is still open. But it could be gone at any moment. We expect a lot of interest in this offer – and while you still have a little time left to grab the tools and resources, we can’t promise that the JV offer will still be there when you click the link below.
Your best bet? Join now while the offer is still open:
Info Publishing Challenge>>
We’ll see you on the inside!