Are you looking for ways to protect your digital products from being stolen and shared? Are you sick of your products being stolen by black hat hacks?
If the thought of serial 'refunders', digital pirates and other thieves swiping your digital products just burns you up, then you will want to read about the problems that you maybe having and the tool that solves how to protect your digital products without time sucking processes!
There are so many ways to lose your profits when you leave your digital products unprotected. Though not everyone would be out to steal your products but many people would be delighted to get your digital product without paying for all your hard work. But you work really hard to create your products, so you don’t want people to steal your work.
Without the right solutions and correct tools you can still deliver your products manually without them being stolen (hopefully).

Here are just a few manual processes involved in secure digital product delivery:
These manual processes for product delivery may work slightly for an ebook but what if you want to sell educational courses, licenses to use your digital assets, membership sites, digital templates, Saas and other types of tools?
Business people like you cannot build a profitable business by spending all your time chasing around digital sneaks and other thieves. So you need to strike a balance and prioritize your time.
If using these inefficient or unproductive time wasting processes to solve the issue of thieves stealing your digital products does not sound like your cup of tea...then read on about how to automatically protect your digital products!
Now if these tips are more than you are looking for... Check out this post Digital Product Creation Best Practices
First, we need to go over the real problem in secure digital product delivery. The thing is, it really isn’t one problem so much as it is a cluster of related problems, all of which need solving before you can even think about putting an order button in front of your prospects. (Why even sell it if you cannot safely deliver it?)
And how many of these problems impact you is going to depend on your current structure, your experience, and what you’re selling.
Here are the places you may potentially run into problems.
- Good solid security and licensing
- No having the right website or hosting
Let’s take a quick look at each of these separately…

Security and Licensing
Digital product theft is a big problem. If you just tuck your product away at a guessable link, someone WILL guess it. And even if you try to hide it behind a random URL, people will share the download link or a thief will use a search tool to find that link.
Next thing you know, you look at your traffic logs and realize you have more thieves and pirates flowing into your download page than paying customers.
And then there’s the problem of serial refunders. These are the guys who purchase your product with the full intention of refunding it. It doesn’t matter if they absolutely love your product and use it every day. They’re going to get a refund… and then KEEP using the product. That’s their whole shtick.
They’re thieves just like the ones mentioned above who share download URLs, except these serial refunders access your product legally… at first. And then they take advantage of your guarantee and your good nature to keep using your product. It’s still theft, just a different kind.
The solution? You need to license and secure your product (especially for apps and membership sites). If the person didn’t purchase the product, then they can’t access the product. And if the customer requests a refund, then they also lose access to the product.
TIP: This works best with web-based apps, SaaS, and membership sites, as people will need to be online in order to use these products and services. You don’t necessarily want to license information products such as individual ebooks, as that creates a problem for the genuine customers who want to read your product while not online (such as when they’re flying and using “airplane mode” on their device).
Here’s the next potential problem…

If you’ve been selling digital products for a while, then this isn’t going to be an issue for you. You probably already have a domain, website and hosting. No problem - you know how to create and upload your delivery pages. It might even seem pretty easy to you if you have plenty of experience.
But if you’re new to online business, then this is going to be another stumbling block on the way to bringing your product to market. You’re either going to need to spend time learning how to do it yourself, which also typically requires a little money to purchase website-editing tools, or perhaps some themes/designs for you to tweak.
Alternatively, you can hire someone to do this for you. That’s easy, but it takes some cash. And it’s also irritating to have to call up your web developer every time you need the simplest of tweaks on your delivery page (such as correcting a typo).
The solution? Find a platform that hosts your delivery pages for you. Better yet, find one that allows you to design your page with just a few clicks of your mouse… no coding or tech experience required. Then you don’t need to spend any time messing around trying to secure it and make it look good.
Does this sort of solution exist? You bet it does. And you’ll learn all about it in just a few moments. (You might be surprised at what all it can do.) But first, let’s look at the next potential problem…

Manage Product Delivery
Selling just one product generally requires you to string together multiple services in order to bring it to market. Once you begin selling multiple products, then you have even more services to manage. And if you’ve ever tried expanding your reach and diversifying by using multiple payment platforms, autoresponders and other services to sell multiple products, then you know managing it all can be challenging (to say the least).
If you don’t have a central platform on which to manage all these services and products, then you’re going to find management to be inefficient and time-consuming at best… and an absolute nightmare at worst. That’s why you need a selling platform that lets you integrate all your payment processors and autoresponders into one tidy place.
Now if you’re running membership sites or even just offering free trials on your apps or other digital products, then the other problem you’re going to encounter is member management. Setting up member management requires you to integrate yet another service into your product delivery. Yet another site you’ll be logging in and out of every time you need to manage your members.
So, imagine this for a moment: a product delivery system that managed ALL your services (such as payment processors and autoresponders) and managed your members too. This means you could add, delete and manage members in the same place where you manage all your other products and associated services.
Sounds enticing, right? You’ll want to keep reading, because shortly you’ll find out what solution can help you manage your services and members all in one convenient spot.
But first, let’s look at this last problem that stands between you and bringing your product to market smoothly…

Automated Delivery & More
When you first start selling products online, taking care of all the day-to-day tasks manually probably doesn’t take up all that much of your time. But once you start to get some sales volume, then you find yourself spending many hours every week (or even every day) trying to get everything done.
That’s why you need automation. And the best kind of automation is to create “if-then” type of “recipes.” For example, “IF someone purchases this particular product, THEN add them to this specific list.”
Now you can see where this sort of task would become a huge time-suck if you did it manually. Imagine having multiple products that created dozens of daily sales for you. Imagine having to manage it all manually. Not fun, right?
So that’s why you need a system that adds customers to your list automatically, with no input from you. But that’s not all. You also need a system that is capable of handling any other automation tasks you throw at it. Ideally, this should be a system that integrates with an automation app like Zapier.
Is there a solution for this automation problem? You bet there is. And that’s what you’re about to discover next…
The Product That Is Key to Smooth and Secure Product Delivery.
As promised above we are going to tell you about the tool that will save you time and sanity. The all-in-one solution which solves all the problems you just learned about, and this solution is called Product Dyno
Product Dyno is a web-based app that’s going to revolutionize the way you do business online, because it’s the easiest way to sell, license and securely deliver any digital product.
So, let’s go over the problems we talked about above and take a look at how Product Dyno solves these issues…

Security and Licensing Issues… Problem Solved
If the thought of serial refunders, digital pirates and other thieves swiping your apps and other products just burns you up, then you’re going to love Product Dyno.
That’s because Product Dyno gives you the ability to:
- Securely deliver content.
- Revoke access to your products as needed.
So, let’s say you want to license a product such as an app. You can set it up so that Product Dyno delivers this licensing information to your customer. And if you have a customer who requests a refund, you can revoke that customer’s access to the app.
Just imagine what that’s like…
Suzy the Serial Refunder comes to your site to buy an app with the full intention of refunding so that she can get your app for free. She goes through the ordering process. She gets access to the app. She requests the refund…
At this point she thinks she’s pretty clever. Until she goes to use the app again, and realize her access is revoked. BAM. Foiled again, Suzy!
And here’s another way the software will protect your digital products
Product Dyno incorporates two layers of security to keep your products safe. Naturally, you can require a login if that’s your preference. Product Dyno also provides time-expired download links, so thieves can’t pass around links to access your product.
This is how Product Dyno protects your hard work and keeps the sleazes of the digital world from taking advantage of you. Next issue…

Website/Hosting Issues… SOLVED
As mentioned before, getting up a website isn’t a big deal if you have a lot of experience already. But if you’re new to the business, then this is challenging. And the good news is that Product Dyno solves this problem for you too.
By hosting your delivery pages for you. Better yet, it makes creating these pages “point and click” easy, so you don’t need to know a lick of code in order to create beautiful, secure delivery pages. Anyone can do it.
And what if you want to create and host your own delivery pages? No problem. With Product Dyno, you have complete flexibility. You’re in control. You can choose the option that best meets your needs and gets your product to market in the shortest possible time.

Management Issues… SOLVED
Payment processors and autoresponders and membership scripts… OH MY!
Trying to navigate this jungle of services can leave you thoroughly frustrated. But when you use Product Dyno, you have the option of managing your services all in one convenient place.
This means:
For example:
And much more – there are plenty of reasons you may need to manage your members manually, and Product Dyno makes it easy!
You can offer content three ways, including:
- For free to the public. Think of this content as something you’d offer on a blog in order to lure people to your site.
- For free in exchange for an email address. This is essentially a lead magnet. You can use Product Dyno to quickly and easily set up your sales funnel, beginning with your free lead magnet sitting at the entry point.
- For a fee. In other words, you can turn any piece of content into a product and sell it for any price. And then you can set up Product Dyno to cross-promote related products all throughout your sales funnels.
You can even set up content to drip-feed to your prospects and customers on a set schedule.
- You can manage all your services in one place. Product Dyno makes it easier than ever to integrate and consolidate all your services in one convenient place. For example:
- You can set up multiple autoresponders. Maybe you do this to diversify your mailing list assets. Or maybe you want to add a customer to both your mailing list and your joint venture partner’s mailing list after a sale. No problem – Product Dyno makes it easy to do!
- You can sell the same product on multiple payment platforms. Diversify your business a little, reach a wider audience, or just offer your customers more choices. This is all possible with Product Dyno, and you can manage it all with just a few clicks of your mouse!
And finally…

Automation Issues… SOLVED
As your business grows, you’re going to need to find ways to make it more efficient so you can scale it up. So why not make it efficient right from the get-go by making it as automated as possible?
That’s what Product Dyno can do for you. That’s because Product Dyno easily integrates with the Zapier app, which lets you set up automation for your common business tasks and moves information between your apps.
For example:
Those are just a few common examples. However, with a Zapier integration you can connect and automate the use of hundreds of other apps/services so that they can communicate with each other. This includes tracking apps, communication apps, fulfillment apps, payment processors, autoresponders, email clients, social media and so much more. And that makes Product Dyno even more powerful to protect your digital products.
The Bottom Line…

Running and growing your digital product business is your prime concern. You shouldn’t have to get bogged down in the details surrounding delivery, security, management, hosting and automation. Instead, use Product Dyno, which lets you manage all your products in one convenient place.
Are you ready to see what Product Dyno can do for you?
Check out Product Dyno <<Click Here
Prepare to change the way you do business!