10 Quick And Easy Ways to Power and Automate Your Shopify Store

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Have you started using the Shopify platform yet?


If you’ve even so much as researched Shopify, then you know it’s a flexible, scalable platform that absolutely anyone can use to sell physical products, including drop-shipping offers.

But here’s the thing…

While the platform is pretty robust all on its own, Shopify makes it easy to add functionality with just a few clicks. That’s because Shopify has an app store full of tools that help you streamline, automate and power your storefront.

These apps fall into the following categories:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Social Media
  • Shipping
  • Inventory
  • Customer Service
  • Accounting
  • Tools
  • Reporting
  • Sales Channels

So what kind of apps are we talking about? Let’s take a closer look at these categories…

Shopify MarketingMARKETING

These apps are all about helping you attract and retain customers. You’ll find marketing apps that help you in the following areas:

  • Making your store more SEO (search engine optimization) friendly.
  • Creating loyalty programs to keep your customers coming back.
  • Building your list with email apps.
  • Getting attention with features such as notification bars.
  • Showing related product offers to your prospects and customers.

And much more, all designed to help you promote your products.

Next up…

Shopify Sales


These apps are designed to help you sell more products, boost your revenue, and generally grow your business. Here are the types of apps you’ll find in the app store:

  • Apps for recovering abandoned shopping carts.
  • Apps for installing exit offers.
  • Apps that help you better target your campaigns.
  • Apps for collecting reviews to increase conversions.
  • Apps for creating product reviews.
  • Apps for installing recurring billing.

And much more.

Next category…

Social Media InstagramSOCIAL MEDIA

These apps are all about improving your social media presence, as well as tracking social media shares and other data. Here’s what these apps can do for you:

  • Automatically post to social media when you add new products to your store or make a blog post.
  • Get more social media followers and shares with social media buttons.
  • Integrate your social media platforms so you can manage them all at once (rather than posting to each one manually).
  • Let customers share their carts and their purchases.

And more. If you use social media, then you’ll want to check out these apps to see how you can use them to grow your Shopify store.

Shopify ShippingSHIPPING

As you might suspect, these apps are all about streamlining your shipping process. For example, inside the app store you’ll discover shipping apps that:

  • Track packages and send delivery updates.
  • Streamline order fulfillment and label printing.
  • Make it easier to provide shipping rates to customers.
  • Provide status updates to customers.

And more. These apps not only make the shipping and fulfillment process easier for you, they also keep customers in the loop every step of the way, which is a key to creating satisfied customers.


Shopify InventoryINVENTORY

These apps automatically update and synch your inventory. That means you spend less time doing manual updates, which frees you up to focus on the other important parts of your business.

These apps will help you:

  • Import products into your store with just a few clicks.
  • Send “restock” alerts to customers who are interested in specific products.
  • Integrate your online and offline inventory systems to work seamlessly.
  • Find and research drop-shipping products fast.

And more—this category automates some of the most time-consuming parts of running a store!

Next up…

Shopify AccountingACCOUNTING

Here’s another set of apps that take a time-consuming task and make light work of it. You’ll find apps to help you:

  • Synch your Shopify orders with popular accounting software such as QuickBooks.
  • Send automatic invoices.
  • Help automate your sales tax collection and reporting.

If the whole accounting side of running a business sounds like a lot of work, then you’ll love these apps.


Shopify Customer ServiceCUSTOMER SERVICE

These apps are designed to provide a better customer experience. To that end, you’ll find apps in this category that:

  • Let you install a live chat system to provide better support for your customers.
  • Integrates your customer service with social media so people can reach your quickly.
  • Installs a help desk to handle support requests.
  • Installs a contact form into your storefront.

Next up…

Shopify ReportingREPORTING

These apps help you track and analyze customer behavior to improve your conversions. Inside this category you’ll find apps that:

  • Track your data and benchmark performance.
  • Analyze store data to help you run better ads.
  • Get custom reports created and sent to your email.
  • Tag customers based on their purchases.

And more. These are great apps for boosting revenue over the long term.


Shopify ToolsTOOLS

These apps let you install interactive features, product videos and more to engage your visitors. Take a look at a few examples:

  • Announcement bars to let visitors know about special sales and other events.
  • Currency converters for your out-of-country visitors.
  • Email themes to create a more polished presentation.
  • Tools to install dynamic pricing and bulk options.

And more – check out the category in the app store to see what all is available.

Shopify Sales ChannelsSALES CHANNELS

These apps are designed to help you reach your prospects and customers through multiple channels. For example:

  • Set up a store on Facebook.
  • Use the Facebook messenger to reach customers.
  • Create buyable pins on Pinterest.
  • Add buy now buttons to your tweets.

Reach out, communicate with customers, and boost sales.

One of the reasons why Shopify is such a fantastic selling platform is because of the wide-range of apps you can install to power, automate and streamline your storefront.

If there’s a function you’d like to add, it’s a good bet an app already exists.

Now if you haven’t started setting up your Shopify store yet, obviously that’s the first step.

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                      WHAT’S THE NEXT STEP?
Here’s the best place to discover the benefits of Shopify, how to use it for drop shipping, and how to set up your store faster than ever – Click the button below

[su_button url=”https://promotelabs.com/blog/shopify-online-store-software-review/” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#ffffff” color=”#14750f” size=”7″ center=”yes”]Check It Out Now![/su_button]

If you are now ready to get started, then you can use our special link to get started right away (free trial)…but if you want to learn more check out the article mentioned above, where you can get the nuts and bolts on how to use Shopify for drop shipping, and how to set up your store quicker than ever…

Get Started With shopify free!

If you are now ready to get started, then you can use our special link to get started right away (21 day free trial)… We will email you the details.




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