Highest Integrity, High Quality Products, and Care About Their Customers

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Back in 2007, Jeremy and Simon promoted one of my Private Label Rights videos products and became one of the top affiliates. I was blown away. Since that point, I followed them and their products and they are consistent in putting out the highest quality products; products that I feel confident and secure promoting as an affiliate. As a veteran Internet Marketer since 2003, I’ve seen many things come and go. Many people come and go. I’ve worked with many gurus as well behind the scenes building their products. In the world of Internet Marketing, there are good marketers and there are ones that try to take shortcuts by making money in deceitful ways. There are also ones that pretend to be good. Not Simon and Jeremy. Even now, having worked with them behind the scenes with them on many launches, I can still say that they are the great marketers (highest integrity, ethical, innovative, and always looking for ways to help their customers succeed). That’s the side I’ve always wanted to be on. As far as affiliate marketing goes, till this day, they are always on the top leaderboards because they provide the high quality stuff. Since then, I’ve gained more knowledge from them to quadruple my own sales. So you will want to listen and pay close attention to what they have to say, if you want to do the same.

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