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REVEALED: "PromoteLabs' Secret $10M+ Growth Strategies That Can Take any Digital Product Business From Start-Up To Six Figures fast!"
Discover the six key strategies you need to apply today to add significant revenue to your business...
"Cut through all the static and noise that’s most likely been leading you down the wrong path..."
The strategies you'll learn inside Digital Publishing Mastery aren't fads that are here today and gone tomorrow. These are proven, laser focused, revenue builders to take your info-product business from start-up to six figures.
Starting up a business selling digital products is one of the easiest things to do. Just put up a website, create a product, place an order button on your web page… and hey, you’re in business.
Right? Okay, not so fast…
Because starting up a PROFITABLE digital product business is an entirely different story. (Just ask the thousands who’re struggling with their digital businesses every day.)
We know you’ve seen this… You’ve seen the Facebook groups, blogs and forums chock full of people who are desperate to make a few bucks online.
You’ve seen people who’ve been doing this for YEARS and still can’t quit their day jobs.
And you probably know others that seem to jump from one idea to the next thinking any moment they’re going to 'strike it rich'.
Maybe you’ve been struggling a bit too?
It can be all kinds of overwhelming just because there’s SO much information out there about how to turn a profit with your online business.
This revenue-building program is different…
It’s been developed by Simon Hodgkinson and Jeremy Gislason, who are two of the Internet’s top digital product creators and sellers.
These guys have been doing this now for 20 years, they’ve built multiple businesses and taken them from zero to millions of dollars in revenue. And every day they’re in the trenches, testing strategies to find out what REALLY works.
Their products – including this exclusive training program are where the 'rubber really hits the road', it’s been developed to give you the most direct path from where you are right now, to where you want to be.
Introducing "Digital Product Mastery"

You get the exact same systems and plans Simon and Jeremy use every day to grow their own businesses… Fully mapped out and systematized so that smart entrepreneurs like you can apply the strategies and rapidly build profitable info-product businesses…

If you aren’t happy with your purchase for any reason just let us know and we’ll give you your money back. We don’t think it’ll come to that, but if you’re even the least bit concerned this won't work for you our guarantee gives you peace of mind. The results you need... or your money back: SIMPLE!
Here’s what you’ll discover once you dive in right now…
There’s something for everyone inside this program. You may find one or two strategies that you really like. Or you may put all six of them to work for you to fill your sales funnels faster than ever before.
Traffic Generation Strategies
Here you’ll discover the four traffic strategies you should be using right now… and which one of them is currently blowing the rest of them out of the water, delivering visitors who are eager to give you their money.
Sales Funnel Strategies
This is where you’ll find out how to add huge amounts of extra revenue to your business simply by adding the RIGHT products at the RIGHT time to your sales funnels. Most digital sellers get this completely wrong!
Value Perception Strategies
This is all about boosting the value of your offers. This in turn increases customer values and lets you charge a whole lot more than you’re currently charging for essentially the same products.
Brand Loyalty Building Strategies
Real secrets about how to boost satisfaction and loyalty among customers so that they’ll stick with you for the long term. It’s simple: the more people you keep happy and active, the more you’ll make.
Adding Additional Revenue Strategies
Here you’ll find out how and when to promote backend offers that can generate the majority of your profits! Most business owners get this completely wrong but armed with these strategies you won’t.
Scale and Duplication Strategies
This is the 'jackpot stuff' every digital product seller dreams of. The guys reveal where the biggest profits in your business will appear. Find out how to take your business out of rookie status and into the major leagues.
What you’re getting are the six most important areas of growth and revenue generation you must be focused on right now if you want to take your business to six figures… and beyond.
Any business owner who’s even thought about building a six or seven-figures online business won’t make it unless they put every single one of these strategies into play.
Module 1: Traffic Generation For Info-Product Vendors
If you’re looking to grow your business to six figures or beyond, then one of your top priorities is going to involve growing your traffic.
But not just any traffic... Because anyone can make their traffic stats grow. We could tell you about methods right now that would give you thousands of “hits” on your website by the time you go to bed tonight.
But we’re not looking for “hits.” We’re not looking for just any kind of traffic. That’s because the only way to truly grow your business is with highly targeted traffic. This traffic consists of visitors who’re interested in what you’re selling, and importantly, they’re willing to pay you to solve their problems.
Inside this module we’ll cover four of the top ways to get this traffic.
Module 2: Funnel Strategies For Maximum Profits
When some marketers daydream about getting rich, their daydream tends to include one crucial oversight… Namely, they’re dreaming about getting rich from just one product. It doesn’t work that way in the real world.
Sure, every once in a while someone hits a home-run and makes a million dollars off of just one product. But here’s the thing… MOST business owners earn their fortunes by offering a suite of related products to their customers.
Inside this module we'll give you the full funnel blueprint, what to add, when and where to guarantee you achieve maximum revenues and more satisfied customers.
Module 3: Boosting Product & Brand Value Perception
When you’re putting together an offer, it’s important that you keep value perception in mind. That’s because creating a product with a high perceived value gives you the freedom to charge more for your product.
What’s more, it also creates extremely satisfied customers. And satisfied customers become loyal, lifelong customers who buy from you again and again.
So, the million-dollar question is this: how do you increase your offer’s perceived value? That’s exactly what you’re about to find out when you watch module #3.
Module 4: Minimizing 'Churn' For Long Term Profits
One of the easiest sales you can ever make is to sell something else to an existing customer. BUT… It's only easy if you can retain your customers.
See, one of the biggest problems business owners encounter is customer churn. This is where customers cease to be repeat buyers. They cancel any recurring orders, they stop buying new offers, and they stop being engaged with your business.
So, listen up… If you want a profitable business - if you're looking to make six figures or more - then one of your top priorities is to learn how to reduce churn. And that's exactly what you're going to find out how to do inside this module.
Module 5: Adding Multiple Secondary Revenue Streams
In module two, you'll discover how to set up a super effective sales funnels that attract prospects, turn them into customers, and then turn them into repeat buyers. This is one of your top strategies for growing the revenue in your digital-product business...
... Now in module #5 we're going to dive into specific strategies for growing your revenue once you've pulled someone into your sales funnel. You'll discover how to increase the amount of money your average customer spends per transaction, plus how and when to promote the other products in your sales funnel for max revenue.
We'll cover what to promote, then we'll look at where and how to promote your offers to add revenue at every point in your business.
Module 6: Scaling Up and/or Business Duplication
As you build your business past six figures you'll eventually hit a plateau (every super successful business does). But this course takes you beyond this point - We'll take things to the next level. And to do that we'll break down the benefits and drawbacks of both scale and / or duplication.
You simply won't find this information anywhere else but knowing how to do either can make you substantially rich. And this final module of the course will prepare you to be running at peak efficiency and MAXIMUM profitability.
You'll discover our proven, multi-prong approach that includes tasks such as adding more automation to your business, designing systems, and outsourcing. We'll also consider duplication where you'll learn how to take your marketing, your systems and your infrastructure and apply it to another digital product business.
Who Are Simon and Jeremy? We'll Let These Top Marketers & Industry Experts Tell You What They Think...

Mark Thompson
"People Love Buying From Them!"
Jeremy and Simon always provide additional value to their subscribers which is why people love buying from them. Have loved working with these guys and for the future to come.

Richard Legg
"Know What It Takes To Sell Online"
Simon and Jeremy are amazing partners to work with – they know what it takes to really sell online!

Karl Schuckert
"Know How To Build Promotions"
Simon and Jeremy know how to build promotions that bridge the gap with their list. Anyone lucky enough to get to work with them knows what I’m talking about. I give them my highest recommendation.

Dave Nicholson
"A Force To Be Reckoned With!"
Jeremy and Simon are a force to be reckoned with when it comes to promotions true gentlemen and all round GREAT guys who I trust implicitly and respect greatly.

Paul Counts
"Integrity and Respect Earned!"
Can’t recommend Simon and Jeremy enough for their integrity and the respect they have earned in this space! My hat’s off to them!

Josh Ratta
"Bring Serious Heat On A Promotion"
Not only can Simon and Jeremy bring serious heat on a promotion, but they are also top guys to work with and lead with integrity!

JP Schoeffel
"True Marketing Masters!"
These guys are real businessmen and intelligent marketers. They know how to target campaigns, position offers and out perform the competition. True marketing masters!

Mike Filsaime
"Marketing Good Guys"
Jeremy and Simon have been around since the start and are still going strong because they operate with real integrity and genuinely care about their customer's results. Marketing good guys who create exceptional products, cutting edge software that works and training that's based on proven, tried and tested strategies that they've put into practice themselves first - Straight up, bonafide marketing champions

Matt Garrett
"Always Ahead Of The Curve"
What Simon and Jeremy don’t know about marketing online you don’t need to know, they’ve probably forgotten more than I actually know! They were the first people I saw building funnels for launches and are always ahead of the curve with what’s working and what’s coming next.
Join Now And You’ll Get These Bonuses Absolutely Free!
Are you ready to start ramping up your digital product sales fast?
Then you’re going to love this bonus package. There’s never been a faster, easier or better way to accelerate your sales growth – and the pricing cheat sheet and copy/paste sales copy swipes are yours free when you join today!

Take the shortcut right now and get instant access to these proven, revenue making strategies when you claim your place by clicking on the button below
If you aren’t happy with your purchase for any reason just let us know and we’ll give you your money back. We don’t think it’ll come to that, but if you’re even the least bit concerned this won't work for you our guarantee gives you peace of mind. The results you need... or your money back: SIMPLE!
Let’s face it, building any kind of business is taxing enough without trying to figure it all out on your own. At best it’s the long and the hard way to six figures, at worst it’s a path that’ll keep you going in circles forever.
All the answers you need are just a click away so hit the button below and let’s get started right now.