The BEST Start-Up / Entrepreneur Training Videos You've Ever Seen - And Now You Can Use Them to Grow Your Business, Impress Your Customers... And MAKE MONEY!
Dear Business Owner...
As a marketer, you've no doubt discovered that you need a lot of great content to keep your business thriving...
You need content for blog posts, guest blogging, newsletters, forum posts, social media sites - and that's just the tip of the 'content iceberg'... But the real key to online success is great content when it comes to your paid products!
But there are two problems:
1. You can't do it all yourself. There are only 24 hours in a day. You could churn out buckets of content nearly every day and still not have enough. Certainly you wouldn't have time to do anything else if all you did was create content!
2. Hiring a writer is expensive. Have you shopped around lately? Good content is expensive. It may be worth every penny, but maybe you just don't have that kind of a budget right now, or maybe you don't want to waste months and months of your time hunting for good writers amidst the sea of mediocre talent the outsourcing sites are awash with?
It's discouraging. And it can make you feel like maybe you'll just have to settle for less content, which means growing your business slower and perhaps pushing your goals further into the future.
Until now.
You Can Get The Private Label Rights To A Set Of
Start-Up / Entrepreneur Video Courses With
Checklists & Workbooks Plus Sales Videos...
At Blow Your Mind Pricing!
How is this possible?
Simple: You just purchase one of the exclusive PLR licenses to these 3 high-quality video courses below!
You see, using PLR content SAVES YOU TIME. Either you use it as-is (no work required!) or you spend just a little time tweaking and re-branding this premium level training as your own. Either way, in just minutes you'll own the rights to not just one but three of the most comprehensive and up-to-date 'entrepreneurial success' programs you'll ever find online.
And Yes... You can set your name as the author to instantly grow your reputation as the 'go to guy' in your marketplace!
The other big benefit here is you SAVE MONEY! If you hired a researcher, a writer, a copywriter and then a video specialist to recreate these three courses and their sales materials, you'd expect to pay at least $8,000.
But you can secure a full private label license today and your investment becomes a tiny fraction of that amount - You'll still get the same high-quality training to sell to your audience, but your return on investment will be stacked far higher and it'll arrive almost instantly because everything is ready to go right now!
Here's A Full Breakdown Of The Three Courses...
Million Dollar Brainstorm

Turn An Idea Into A Million Dollars!

Your customer's quest for greatness, financial security for them and their families, and even a legacy can all begin with a single idea that this training course will show them how to build upon.
Show them how to brainstorm their next best seller in just one weekend. It all starts right here, right now, with this course.
Check Out This Sample Video From This Series!
Running Time: 1hr 46 minutes Format Video (MP4) * Workbook & Checklist (35 Pages/Unbranded .Docx format)
Shoestring Start-Ups

A Lot of People Don't Like To Think About Money...

They think business funding is a boring topic. But nothing could be further from the truth! And this course proves it.
By the time they’ve finished watching the video, their hearts will be thumping with excitement as they realize that their business dreams are easily within reach!
Check Out This Sample Video From This Series!
Running Time: 1hr 28 minutes Format Video (MP4) * Workbook & Checklist (35 Pages/Unbranded .Docx format)
Bulletproof Branding

No more sitting on the sidelines watching competitors swipe your share of the profits.

No more treating products like commodities. No more struggling to make the sale. No more watching business collapse like a house of cards when the wind shifts…
These strategies have worked for us. They’ve worked for countless others who’ve grown successful businesses built on strong branding foundations. And they’ll work for you and your customers too, guaranteed!
Check Out This Sample Video From This Series!
Running Time: 1hr 28 minutes Format Video (MP4) * Workbook & Checklist (35 Pages/Unbranded .Docx format)
Here's What You'll Get Included With Your
Private Label License Kit…
These courses (however you decide to sell them - whether 'as is' in video format or maybe transcribed to book format or maybe as a standalone membership/continuity offer - or all 3) are sure to impress your new buyers.
Here's what's included in the package:
Unbranded (no course names mentioned) PRO recorded sales videos in MP4 format (script included!)
High quality PRO recorded videos – You will get 3X MP4. format videos totaling 4hrs. 45 minutes of training!
Get extra course components that add extra value for your customers --Checklists AND Workbooks!
Check Out The Course Sales Videos Below:
Million Dollar Brainstorm Sales Video
Shoestring Start-Up Sales Video
Bulletproof Branding Sales Video
Yes, There Is EVEN More!!
Sell One Course and Upsell The Other For
An Instant Funnel...
And As You've No Doubt Already Spotted Each Course Leads Perfectly Onto The Next...When You Sell One Of These Courses Your Customer Will Be Back For More...
Post Sale Emails
We've included with EACH course, two post sale, follow-up emails created to engage with buyers and to promote /cross sell your other two video courses.
We successfully tested this strategy using the exact email swipes you'll get with these PLR packages and saw over 50% of 'Brainstorm' course buyers go on to purchase one or both of the companion training courses. [Extra Bonus Value $100]
Reposition The Content For More
Ways To Profit…
Want to sell a book instead of a video or lead in with a book and upsell to the video version of these coaching programs? - You Can!
Full Video Transcripts
We've included with EACH course, the original transcripts in .Docx format which means with just a little tweaking you can also use the content for books or written reports, blog posts and more.
Bulletproof Branding: 45 Pages/13,000 Words
Million Dollar Brainstorm: 49 Pages/14,900 Words
Shoestring Start-Ups: 37 Pages/12,000 Words
So how can you use these amazing courses to grow your business?
Just about any way you want!
This includes:
Simply Sell The Courses 'As Is'. The videos are supplied to you unbranded and are ready to start selling as your own. You can begin selling the course right away in any format you choose - You get full transcripts to each video, translate them into different languages, add your own voice overs and more - License offers you unlimited flexibility.
Nichify The Course Content! You're free to edit the content or rework the videos in any way you choose and could quickly re-imagine the training to suit the industry you're in. Customize it for your audience and raise your prices to match. There is a lot of awesome information here that can be customized easily for businesses online or off.
Add The Course(s) To A Membership Site. The content inside these courses is choc full of useful information. Any of it would be a valued asset in a marketing or business membership site. You get 21 videos in total and easily enough for an entire membership site or a year's worth of content ready to drip deliver every month.
Create an online or offline coaching program. Incorporate the courses as part of an online coaching program or even a local offline class for businesses in your area. Use the courses as core training and add your own 'assignments' or 'hand-outs' based around it.
Learn From The Training Yourself. If you are struggling getting ideas for your business, you really need to go through these three courses yourself. They'll help you power up your portfolio bringing more customers onboard. Think about it, for just a little more that it would cost to have basic 'customer only' access to these videos you'll get everything WITH PLR rights - Learning & Earning all rolled up in one great offer.
And more - You get full rights to modify and use the course contents in whatever way you'd like, which includes claiming authorship* (see the full terms of use and restrictions below).
Nothing on the market even comes close to what we're offering here. And yet we’ve seen licensing offers with half of what’s included in this collection go for hundreds of dollars.
This amazing triple 'business in a box' / ready made profit funnel could easily net you thousands of dollars in sales revenue which makes this offer easily worth $1,000 or more.
But you don't have to invest that much today (see below) to download this ready made business...
And better yet, we've even got bonuses for you, see below...

This License Would Be A Bargain At $1,000 But It's Yours Right Now For Just A
One Time Payment Of $697 $497
You get all three courses, the workbooks, checklists, unbranded sales videos, the email swipes and your bonus private label rights training kit, all for a low one time investment of just $297!

This Offer Includes Our 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee!

P.S. Look around - You won't find better courses to help you guide your customers through the often confusing world of profitable business ideas ... Order now! Even if nothing else was included but the training alone for your personal use, this would be an INCREDIBLE deal.
Factor in the licensing and this is simply a 'no-brainer'
License Restrictions:
What You Can and Can't Do With This Content...
To protect the value of these courses, you may not pass on any kind of rights to your customers. This means that your customers may not have resell, master resell, white label or private label reprint/rights passed on to them.
You may not mention the names Simon Hodgkinson, Jeremy Gislason or Promote Labs as the authors or originators of this training in any way in your marketing, product redevelopment or use of this content.
You cannot use any content from these courses or copy from this page as part of another Private Label product/offer.
You are not permitted to give these courses away in their current 'as-is' format for free - they must be sold directly or offered as a bonus to a paid product. They must be edited, renamed and fully re-branded to be given away.
You may only claim copyright to these courses or any derived product / offering developed from them after you have made substantial changes (50% minimum) to distinguish your offering from other license owners.
Promote Labs Inc. reserves the right to make final decisions on any usage of the private label content purchased under this license if they are not be specifically addressed in these restrictions - If in doubt ask.

This Offer Includes Our 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee!